Is sex with a girlfriend and a whore normal?

Love with prostitutes will most likely last as long as humanity exists. The attitude towards her has changed over the centuries from respect to extreme contempt: in ancient times, whores from escort services and courtiers were highly respected members of society; Today, young women who engage in commercial group sex are condemned by society.

But there are many proven agencies where you can choose the best girl to make love with her and your girlfriend. You can find a good girl for sex. Many men these days wonder if it’s okay to have threesomes with their girlfriends or with a prostitute. We will respond to this request.

Is sex with a girlfriend and a whore normal ?

Arguments for sex with a prostitute

Customers who write online about their impressions when seeing a Blonde prostitutes make a fascinating observation: it’s pleasant to chat with her and reveal sad things. Here are the main benefits of boyfriend sex with a prostitute:

  • The obvious advantage, of course, is that the time between the desire for sex with a girlfriend and its realization is record-breakingly short.
  • You can do activities with an escort lady in bed that men would not dare to approach their wife or ordinary girlfriend.

Threesome sex, sex with a friend, fucking a whore, role playing, strap-on and other activities become motivation for visiting a prostitute.

When having sex with a prostitute from many questionnaires, there are only a few rules that a boy in a long-term relationship must follow: you can call her names, avoid foreplay and focus exclusively on your desires and pleasures.

Hot sex with girlfriend

When sex occurs between such friends, the friend who is interested in sex will either have an inclination for something more and will continue to push and pressure, or he will be disappointed when he gets what he desired. Such a friendship ends in any of the possible scenarios. Therefore, there is every reason to conclude that a friendship between a man and a young woman based on the sexual attraction of one of them cannot be considered a friendship.

Sex is a little different in a relationship like this. The first time this generally happens spontaneously and unintentionally, after a period of solitude and abstinence on both sides. There is no flirting here, and attraction acts subconsciously as an instinct.

Is sex with a girlfriend and a whore normal ?

Which is better – sex with a prostitute or sex with a friend?

Sex with pleasure with a girlfriend has other advantages:

  • At the time of sex, you have already established friendly connections, you know each other like crazy, you have nothing to hide from each other, so you can start the process without unnecessary games and the “tuning in” period;
  • You will not be as open and “on board” in front of a loving man as you will be in front of a good friend. As a result, this intimate sex has a high level of trust;
  • If you have a complex about your mistakes, a girlfriend won’t talk to you endlessly about sex and about it.

A monotonous sex life forces men to seek out professional prostitutes for threesomes who like to experiment and give their partners lustful feelings. If you have any sexual fantasies that you would like to put into action, be sure to discuss them with this prostitute. She will make every sexual fantasy come true.

Every man should experience a variety of sex with a prostitute and a boyfriend throughout his life, as it not only affects how he feels, but also how successful he is at work and how he feels emotionally. Just buy the sex services of prostitutes, spend quality time with them and add variety to your sex life to get rid of all this.

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