Why men love the golden shower service

People who have no preconceived ideas about intimacy will eventually consider the practice of pee. It is a form of sex play that involves urination. Some consider it a perversion, a fetish, while others consider it commonplace. Peeing on someone doesn’t always mean a golden shower. It is often enough for your partner to watch another person pee. This form of “wet” sex helps you discover new aspects of sensitivity, resulting in far greater pleasure than before.

Many people misunderstand the idea of the pee technique and associate it with things that in reality have nothing to do with it. For this reason, there are many stories, urban narratives and negative views about this type of sexual activity. Golden showers, on the other hand, were a form of entertainment that in ancient times was only accessible and understandable to a select few. Today we answer the question: Why do they love golden showers?

Why men love the pee service

Why is a golden shower necessary?

Many women want to know why men love pee. In BDSM practice, a “golden shower” is required, with one goal in mind: to please both parties. One person enjoys commanding, humiliating, and punishing, while the other gets a “thrill” from having to endure it all. Like any other means of influence in such partnerships, it therefore requires the consent of both parties.

Because if the couple’s sexual preferences match, you can use this game to spice up your private life and make it more varied. Professor Mark Griffiths claims that urinating during a sexual act is neither disgusting nor perverted. If both couples agree to the experiment, it can become a standard procedure and one of the most popular pastimes.

What are advantages?

Pee, like any sexual obsession, has pros and cons that you should carefully consider before incorporating it into your personal life. Call girls in particular will like what you find in the agency catalog. So the advantages include:

  • The chance to trust each other and open up to each other – after trying an unusual game at least once, the relationship between partners will change permanently, because in this way you can get closer to each other and remove all restrictions and constraints.
  • Add variety – if a couple has been together for a long time and passion has waned, a new game will add spice and fuel to the fire of love, you can also add toys from a sex shop, practice role-playing games;
  • The act itself can be performed in various ways; A fascinating method involves the man hitting the girlfriend’s clitoris

The moments leading to an orgasm are simply unforgettable and the strong pressure to pee helps the girl come happier and faster.

Why men love the pee service

Why do people like golden showers?

So why do people love golden showers? The main reason for enjoying this action is the high that comes from discovering another person’s urine on your own body – many people are thrilled by its warmth, the subtle acidity that tingles the skin, the rush from its scent and of true bliss through taste. Others experience joy just by thinking about doing something illegal or even being judged by society. If your girlfriend doesn’t agree to this, you can call a prostitute for a golden shower. She will be happy to fulfill all your wishes.

Partners in a dominant position during sex show their power to the subordinate and love to shame him in this way. By accepting such a gift, a partner in a subordinate position reveals to the dominant his devotion and willingness to fulfill any desires of the dominant.

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