Sex addiction and nymphomania

There is a prejudice that a real man should have sex all the time. And that is why people with sex addiction find it difficult to talk about their illness. Those who suffer from this disorder suffer from uncontrollable sexual desires. There are many reasons for hypersexuality. Starting with upbringing and ending with medical problems. 

Sex addiction and nymphomania

What is sex addiction?

Sex addiction (or hypersexuality) is an excessive and compulsive sexual desire. People lose control of their impulses, drives and sexual behavior. The result is feelings of shame and guilt as well as disruptions in relationships and intimacy with the partner. Hypersexuality can be compared to destructive bad habits.

The causes of sex addiction are complex

Hypersexuality is a mixture of low self-esteem and inner emptiness. Sexual intercourse serves as a painkiller and blocks other problems in life. Short-term sexual satisfaction replaces the need to solve problems. This leads to abnormal behavior patterns that can lead to psychological dependence.

Sexual addiction can take many forms:

  • constant fantasies and inability to perceive other subjects;
  • masturbation for hours;
  • constant visits to prostitutes;
  • constant change of partners;
  • dangerous behavior during sexual intercourse;
  • constant viewing of pornography.

This is not a complete list of the problems that cause hypersexuality. A person constantly pursues his desires and cannot satisfy them.

Nymphomania: women who want too much

When it comes to hypersexuality, we often imagine men. In fact, unhealthy sexual behavior can affect anyone, regardless of gender. Hypersexuality in women is what is called nymphomania.

Nymphomania is now considered a form of hypersexuality.

There is another problem with women. People immediately label a sexually completely normal woman who is not afraid to experiment in bed as a nymphomaniac, making her feel “worried” and “bad”.

Sex addiction and nymphomania

How can you test yourself for hypersexuality?

A strong desire for sex is not a symptom of hypersexuality. Problems begin when this desire causes discomfort. You can test yourself by simply answering the following questions:

  • How do you react to negative events – do you look for a solution or do you lose yourself in sex?
  • Do you watch porn for several hours in a row every day?
  • Do you prefer sex or masturbation to other more important things?
  • Do you spend excessive amounts of money on prostitutes, webcam sex or similar?
  • Has sex taken up all your time or are you constantly thinking about it?
  • Do you need increasingly strange stimulation to achieve arousal and come?
  • Are you constantly ashamed of your desires?
  • Have you already encountered reality problems (e.g. with your partner, at work, with money or health)?
  • Are you unable to have “normal” sex?
  • You are not able to control yourself during sex?
  • Do negative emotions cause you to seek comfort during sex?
  • Do you give in to immediate desires?
  • Do you feel strong emotional discomfort or aggression when you cannot fulfill your desire?
  • Does the desire for sex overshadow the ability to think rationally?

If you answered “yes” to these questions more often than you would like, this is a reason to seek help. This test cannot provide a definitive diagnosis, but it may prompt you to see a therapist.

What is excessive is unhealthy

Sex addiction or hypersexuality in men and women is a mental disorder in which it is difficult to determine the level of normality. Where is the line between high libido and obsession? Therefore, there are no reliable statistical studies on this topic.

If you feel that your desires are causing you suffering, it is better to seek help. Therapy can help you to alleviate your symptoms. Sex should not be avoided, because any restriction leads to breakdowns and makes the problem even worse. Your task is to find balance. To do this, you can turn to a sexologist or to support groups where people like you share their experiences and talk about their path to harmony in sex and relationships.

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