How to learn to control your body perfectly

Sex and orgasm are not only a hot topic, but often a tricky one. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for pleasurable intercourse, as it is as individual as the people who practice it. But knowing something about controlling your own body can definitely increase sexual pleasure. Let’s now look at the essential methods that answer the question: “How to learn to control your body perfectly?”

How to learn to control your body perfectly

1. Do what you can

Even if you have doubts about your sexual abilities, it’s likely that you’re really good at something. Suppose you’re not an expert at oral sex, but you’re very spanking, or you’re not sure of your kissing technique, but you consider yourself a master of affection.

Spend a month doing what you’re good at and what you enjoy. Every time you do it, and also at the end of the period, think, “I’m on top for giving my partner a whole month of great sex.”

2. Try something new

Once you feel like you’re a master in one area, try other things that you’re not so comfortable with. You don’t have to aim for great results right away – practice new things just for fun.

3. Laugh

Skills aren’t the solution to everything. What makes sex really good is your attitude towards it. If you can enjoy yourself and laugh when things go wrong, you’re already in control of success.

4. Focus on what you love about your body

You can think about your weaknesses all the time, but your strengths should be appreciated much more. So when you look in the mirror, focus on what you love about your face and body. Also, try to place less emphasis on features that don’t inspire enthusiasm.

How to learn to control your body perfectly

5. Wear something that boosts your confidence

If you wear clothes that make you irresistible (at least in your opinion), you will feel more confident. If you think you look good in that lipstick, put it on your lips before bed. Do you think you smell good after that lotion? Put it on before you have sex. Whatever makes you feel good – use it!

6. Repeat the mantra

To increase your confidence, it is recommended to use a mantra like “I am sexy.” Write the phrase in your journal, put stickers with those words around your home, and repeat it when you look in the mirror. The more often you hear something, the more you believe it.

7. Avoid negative talk to yourself

Treat your body with the same kindness you would give a friend. Negative self-talk only entangles us in negative thoughts about our bodies. You don’t deserve to be insulted by anyone, including yourself, because of your appearance.

8. Focus on your whole person

Remember: you are so much more than just your looks! A key element of a healthy body image is not constantly obsessing over your body. Try to spend more time thinking about things other than your appearance. Get out there and indulge in your passions. Take up a new hobby. Do something with your friends… So get out there and get going!

The task of becoming more confident seems daunting, but when you break it down into small sub-points, it becomes doable. What’s the other benefit? If you successfully implement the above intimate methods in the bedroom, your confidence will grow in other areas of your life as well.

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